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The Stay at Home Edit - Volume 1

During this difficult time, we are aware that you might not want to engage with a lot of sales content, so we thought we'd share some content that we have enjoyed whilst we have been working from home and social distancing.

We hope you can find a moment of escapism through these suggestions and we'll check in again next week with a couple more recommendations. 

Stay Safe, 

The Elizabeth Parker Team


Immerse Yourself In Culture 

Whilst their real doors are closed, many of the worlds greatest museums and galleries are opening their virtual ones.  Here at Elizabeth Parker, taking inspiration from items from the past is a big part of our design process, so we have enjoyed taking these tours whilst we've been designing our AW collection.  Here are a few of our favourites:

Did you know that The British Museum is the original national museum. When it opened in 1759 it was the first of it's kind to open to the public in the whole world. This tour has a musical twist (lots of fun to view with children if you have them). Enjoy! 

Take the Tour


The Uffizi Gallaries in Florence, holds a special place in the hearts of the people at Elizabeth Parker. We usually visit Florence for the World Famous Men's Fashion Event Pitti Uomo twice a year in January and June - it's now rescheduled for September. These grand galleries house some of the most important pieces of art in the world. Delve into their digital archive here.

Find out about more virtual tours you can take here


Looking Good - Feeling Good! 

Have you been able to shift your work, to work from home? We've been advocates of home working from the get go, in-fact our Marketing Manager is based from home. 

We really believe in the notion of 'looking good, feeling good', so wanted to share one of our number one working from home tips. We think it is important to always get dressed before you start work, its too easy to procrastinate if you're still in your tracksuit bottoms.

We're hoping that some of you are still putting your shirt and cufflinks on to sit at your home office, even if it's only once a week. Why not take part in #dressupfriday instead of the usual dress down Friday - get your best outfit on and enjoy a reason to get dressed up. We will be. (if you do take part please do tag us on social media so we can see your look and we'll share to our audience). If you fancy treating yourself to something new for the occasion - we are still shipping orders.

Treat myself

Listen and Learn - A podcast recommendation. 

We've really enjoyed Elizabeth Day's 'How to Fail' series, this podcast talks to people of interest about three failures in their lives that essentially helped them become the person they are now. 

Some of our favourite episodes are from top chefs Tom Kerridge and Nigel Slater . For some real inspiration and ways to deal with the current situation, listen the man that invented an algorithm for happiness:  Mo Gawdat

We'll have some more podcast recommendations next week.



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